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Gogebic County Parks and Recreation
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Recreational opportunities are an important aspect of the quality of life in Gogebic County and are a main reason people choose to live and vacation here. For this reason, Gogebic County is committed to ensuring that quality recreational facilities are available to both residents and visitors. The goal of Gogebic County and the Gogebic County Forestry and Parks Commission has been to define an affordable and achievable improvement program for the County that will provide for current and future recreational needs.
Gogebic County Parks are open seasonally from Mid-May thru September.
Reservations are booked online only beginnning January 1st.
For reservations/rates you must access the website at:
Lake Gogebic County Park (7 Miles NE of Marenisco on M-64)
N8598 State Hwy M-64, Marensico, Mi 49947
Little Girls Point County Park (18 miles NW of Ironwood
On County 505)
E1930 Lake road, Ironwood, Mi 49938
Gogebic County Parks are open seasonally from Mid-May thru September.
Reservations are booked online only beginnning January 1st.
For reservations/rates you must access the website at:
Lake Gogebic County Park (7 Miles NE of Marenisco on M-64)
N8598 State Hwy M-64, Marensico, Mi 49947
Little Girls Point County Park (18 miles NW of Ironwood
On County 505)
E1930 Lake road, Ironwood, Mi 49938
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